Agenda item

New Applications Received

To make observations on new applications received.


Resolved:- That the following observations be made on the applications listed below:-


Former Orme Centre, Orme Road, Newcastle. 15/00700/OUT & 15/1078/LBC


The Working Party received a presentation by the applicant’s agents and there was discussion on the loss of the Edwardian annex building the massing of the new proposal and further explanation of the internal space of the Victorian school.  Clarification was provided over an amended plan for the new build, including materials and also how the windows will be dealt with in the main school. 


The Working Party still supports its view that the Edwardian building should be retained especially due to some of the internal features.  Some members of CAWP however support the overall scheme and commend the owner for taking on the building.  Overall the Working Party accepts the refurbishment of the main school building but wants to ensure strict control over the details of the scheme, which are still lacking – to ensure the Council has control over the supervision of the scheme and so that corners are not cut which will harm the significance of this important Listed Building.  There is particular concern over the windows and the internal spaces.


37-41 High Street, Newcastle.   16/00136/ADV


The Working Party suggests that given the size of the fascia, if this is all to be illuminated it should be a darker colour as it will be harmful to the appearance of the Conservation Area or that only the logo element should be illuminated.


St Thomas Church.  15/00870/FUL.


The Working Party thinks that the handrail should be wooden or powder coated steel and would like to condition the detail for the boxing in of the pipework.


Keele Hall, Keele University  16/00157/LBC


The Working Party supports the project and wants the Conservation Officer to ensure that the windows are like for like, as much as possible.


Keele Hall, Keele University  16/00207/LBC


The Working Party thought that there needed to be clarification on the internal stairwell handrail and how the ends would be treated.


Mirain, Station Road, Madeley  16/00199/FUL


No objections


5-9 High Street, Newcastle  16/00156/LBC & 16/00155/FUL


No objections


Black Horse Cottage, Main Road, Betley  16/00203/LBC


No objections


Land opposite Meynell Arms, Church Road, Ashley  16/00192/FUL


The Working Party objects to the positioning of the proposed houses within the streetscene which will appear isolated within two car parks given the set back of the former school, now medical centre.  The height difference also could make the properties overbearing on the opposite Listed Building.  The buildings are too high extending into a large roof space and should be lower to reflect the local building character.  In urban design terms it would be better to site the new houses on the corner opposite the former pub grouping the buildings around the junction.


13 Barracks Road, Newcastle  16/00173/FUL


No objections


The Willows, 14 Chamberlain Court, Betley  16/00036/FUL


The Working Party has no objections to the development but feels that the style of the rooflight is inappropriate in terms of size and design.



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