Agenda item

General update


Members received an update from officers on the Community Centres:




There had been significant progress in terms of a lease.  A meeting had been held and terms had been agreed in principle.  These would be issued at the end of March.


Bradwell Lodge


Bradwell have had a lease for three years and a new one is currently being discussed – this time for a fifteen year lease.  This would hopefully be completed by April, 2016. 


Butt Lane


Butt Lane were operating well as a management committee and in accordance with the handbook.  Their accounts were ;last received on 31.3.15.




Clayton has good governance arrangements.  They are willing to look at a long term lease with the Football Club.  Their accounts were received on 31.8.15.


Harriet Higgins


The management committee here had been struggling.  However, a local scout group had now taken it on a thirty year lease.  The Centre had also been given a Signal SOS Award.  Works had been carried out with a complete internal refurbishment.


Marsh Hall


Marsh Hall has good governance arrangements and the Centre is very well used both for community activities and private hire.  The Centre is adhering to the guide book and they wish to take on a lease.


Ramsey Road


Ramsey Road have still got a functioning management committee.  St John Ambulance are using the Centre.  When their building on Liverpool Road closed, they asked if Ramsey Road could be their permanent base. They would be taking on a full repairing lease from the outset.


Red Street


Red Street has a very strong management committee.  Chesterton Amateur Football Club use the Centre and are willing to take on a long term lease.  It  is anticipated that the lease will be taken on from May this year.


Silverdale Community Centre


This Community Centre has a good functioning management committee.  The Centre is predominantly used for dance and private functions.  The possibility of a lease will be explored and a stock condition survey would be required prior to any lease being signed.


Whitfield Community Centre


Whitfield Community Centre is well used.  It has a strong management committee and they have adopted the handbook.  The existing arrangements would be maintained for this year and long term arrangements for a lease would be explored.  Accounts had been received in March 2015.


Wye Road Community Centre


This Centre has good governance arrangements and a business plan.  They do a lot of work for the community.  They would like to explore the opportunity for a lease in the future.


Silverdale Social Centre


This does not operate as a community centre at the moment but has a boxing club and table tennis club using it.  The boxing club are willing to take on a lease of the entire building, using it all for boxing.  This would need consideration as to whether the lease would be for a community centre or a sports centre.  Andrew Arnott would check this.


Knutton Community Centre


The governance arrangements here are good and there is a good strong community-led management committee.  The Centre is well used.  The existing governance arrangements would be continued with and hopefully a lease may be considered in the future.


Chesterton Community Centre


This Centre has a management committee with new members and it also has a lease.  However it is not evidenced that they are operating in accordance with the Council’s handbook.



Resolved:              That the information be received