Agenda item

Quarter Two Financial and Performance Review


Before this report was introduced an update from resolution (b) “that a comparative report is produced showing the number of homelessness cases where positive action was successful preventing homelessness, to see if the system was working”, agreed at the last meeting, was provided by the Housing Strategy Officer.


A table showing a breakdown of homelessness prevention activity figures was circulated.


A Member commented that it was good to see positive action in preventing families becoming homeless but asked how many families were unsuccessful?


The Member was advised the only possible way of obtaining the information was to see how many families were placed in temporary accommodation and from those how many the service tried to engage with but became homeless and not recorded.


The banding system assess’ the housing need; the most vulnerable cases, to enable them to become eligible for housing.


It was asked if there was guidance available, as homelessness was becoming a bigger issue.


A draft Housing Strategy and Homelessness Strategy would be presented to the Economic Development and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee on the 2nd December 2015.




(a)   That the Housing Strategy Officer supplies Committee with a summary of the Homelessness Strategy review.

(b)   That Committee is provided with information on discretionary housing payment.

The Executive Director (Resources and Support Services) presented the financial position for quarter two 2015/2016.


Progress had been made with the implementation of staff related savings to deliver the 2015/2016 target of £50k.  Details of the Collective Agreement, recently signed, would be submitted to the next Staffing Committee.


The Capital Programme was on target.


With regard to the Council’s frozen investment in Heritable Bank, a further payment had been received in August bringing the total amount repaid to 98% of the total that was frozen. 


Quarter Two Performance Review 2015/2016 was presented by the Business Improvement Officer (Performance and Procurement).


85% of the indicators were on target, four were off target:-


2.6 –   Percentage of Minor Planning Applications determined within time. The result had improved since Quarter One

3.6 –   Number of people accessing leisure and recreational facilities.  There had been a positive growth in attendances compared to the same period in 2014-15;

4.3 –   Average number of days per employee lost to sickness.  Last quarter there were 23 reported cases.  These had now reduced to six cases and were of a serious nature, and were being actively managed by HR and the relevant Head of Service;

4.4 –   Percentage of requests resolved at first point of contact.  This was 1% off target.  A high percentage of requests were resolved given the number of staff corporately available to deal with service requests during the peak summer holidays.


Within Appendix ‘B’ previously the figures for indicators 3.4, Number of referrals from GPs to organised sporting activity and 3.5, Percentage of people referred for exercise by GPs whose health improves had not been available.  These were presented, as requested by Scrutiny, within the report.  The information would be looked at further to see if there was a better way of measuring activity locally and any changes to the indicators used presented to Scrutiny.


The figure from indicator 3.5, 75%, was based on the number of people who had been referred by their GP to a programme and had completed a twelve week programme, which improved their fitness levels.


It was raised that the figure for the comparative quarter in 2014-15 for 3.6, Number of people accessing leisure and recreational facilities, was not cumulative and needs to be consistent.

Supporting documents: